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Sea level

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Q: What cartographers use to measure the height and depth of earths other features?
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Related questions

What do we call a measure of height above earths surface?

Height above earths surface is called elevation

Is the altitude a measure of height above earths surface?

Yes, altitude is a measure of height above Earth's surface, typically measured in feet or meters. It can be used to indicate how high an object is located in relation to sea level or ground level.

What is formula for area of a parallelogram?

Area = base * height(height being the vertical measure, not the sloped measure)Area = base * height(height being the vertical measure, not the sloped measure)

What unit is used to measure the height of a person?

Most people measure their height in feet and inches

How do you find out your height in centimeters?

The simplest way is to measure it using a metric measure tape. An alternative is to measure your height in inches and multiply the answer by 2.54

How do you measure human height with tape measure?

To measure human height with a tape measure, have the person stand upright against a wall with their heels touching the wall. Place the tape measure flat against the wall, making sure it is level, and mark the height at the top of the person's head. Then, measure the distance from the floor to the mark to determine their height.

Which unit is most suitable to measure the height of a person-?

The most suitable units to measure the height of a person are, feet and inches.

Who need to know the time and height of tide?

scientist and oceanographers so they can help predict tsunamis.

What is the measure of height?

to obtain an accurate measurement of a patient's height

How can you find your height in kilograms?

Kilograms is a measure of weight not height.

Can you measure your penis by your height?


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