· Raisinets
· Razzles
· Red Hots
· Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
· Reese's Pieces
· Ribbon Candy
· Ring Pops
· Rock Candy
· Rocky Road
· Rolo
· Root Beer Barrels
· Runts
· Russell Stover chocolates
m & m, mars bar, milky way
One candy that begins with K is a Kit Kat bar.
Barley sugar, bon-bons, sherbert Bombs :D
Action Reply Code: 280ea266 88a62e5c (note: please exit and enter ur PC to get unlimited rare candies) Works Well, Verified By Me :D Happy cheating! We wanted GAMESHARK CODE Not action replay...
In the phrase "a dozen of candies," the word dozenis a noun. The word of is a preposition. The word candies is a noun.
some candies that start with a "n" are: nutrageous, neccos, nerds, and that's it! hope that was helpful.
Ice Cream
Some candies that start with "A" are: airheads, aero bars, almond joy, almond hersheys, and any other almond candies or chocolates.
OrbitzOh Henry
probably L an R
The last names of the two men who manafactured the candies, Forrest Mars Sr. and R. Bruce Murrie.
you have to have a action replay and type in the code (but I'm not shore what the code is)and you hold r and l and go to your bag and to to mail and there will be 999 candies
the r+l button+select
Orange slices and Oreos