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There are so many different types of Arthritis and each one presents differently. Symptoms can come on suddenly or you can feel them slowly build over time.

Arthritis develops in your joints, so you may feel stiffness in your back, knees, shoulders, elbows, or other joints upon waking or after sitting for long periods of time. You may experience swelling or hear popping and cracking sounds in your joints. Swelling can come on suddenly or develop slowly over extended use.

Pain when moving, twisting, or putting weight/pressure on any of your joints may be another sign. You may also struggle opening jars, holding objects, opening doors, or other daily tasks that you used to be able to perform easily.

Accompanied with many of the symptoms above, you may also feel extremely tired, weak, or swollen areas may be red and warm/hot to the touch.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

swelling in one or more joints, early morning stiffness, recurring joint pain or tenderness, lack of normal range of motion in a joint, obvious redness and warmth in a joint, unexplained substantial weight loss, fever or weakness in conjunction with joint pain, and any sypmtoms similar to the aformentioned that last for at least two weeks.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

1. Swelling in one or more joints.

2. Early-morning stiffness.

3. Recurring joint pain or tenderness.

4. Lack of normal range of motion in a joint.

5. Obvious redness or warmth in a joint.

6. Unexplained substantial weight loss.

7. Fever or weakness in conjunction with joint pain.

And any symptoms similar to the aforementioned that last for at least two weeks.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Rheumatoid arthritis, especially if the joints affected are the same joints on either side of the body

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Repeated pain in one or more of your joints,

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Q: What basic seven major warning signals for arthritis is?
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Is arthritis a crippling disease?

Arthritis is a disease that progressively damages joints until they are rendered useless if left untreated or it the result of joint trauma People can have arthritis and live a normal productive life if they make sure their arthritis is properly treated before major damage occurs.

Why arthritis is more common among older people than the younger ones?

There is not necessarily any difference and the treatment is also the same. However is is far more likely that a child that has suffered from juvenile arthritis may not have any more problems with it in later years.

Can you get arthritis at your teen years like around 14 or 15?

Yes, You can, as a matter of I started having trouble with it at about age 8.Arthritis that occurs in people under the age of 16 is referred to as Juvenile arthritis. "Juvenile arthritis" covers a number of different types of arthritis in children. The most prevalent type is called "juvenile idiopathic arthritis" or JIA, and also called "juvenile rheumatoid arthritis" (JRA) or "juvenile chronic arthritis" (JCA).A child can be struck by this disease at any age from babies onwards it may present with only mild symptoms or it may start with a severe full blown attack. Many children while suffering some discomfort and pain from this disease are able to get on with normal lives. However for others it can be a very debilitating condition accompanied by pain and limited mobility in everyday activities. As there is still no cure for juvenile arthritis we can only treat the symptoms in an effort to limit pain and damage to joints and other tissue. For some children the symptoms of arthritis may disappear for a time or the arthritis may even go into remission entirely. Other will continue to have arthritis into their adult years. Care should be taken by any one at any age when they are suffering from inflammation as a result if arthritis as it can cause major damage to joints if ignored. (Just ask my metal elbow.)

How young can you get arthritis?

People can get arthritis at any age. There are many different forms of arthritis some of which are the result of an inherent physical disorder. some forms of arthritis are the result of wear and tear on the joints yet others happen because of injury such as broken bones.There are also forms of arthritis that come with age, and cause a generalized pain and inflammation in joints all over the body.

What is basic photography?

Basic photography is photography which requires the lowest possible technical knowledge. Basic photography of objects, buildings etc. basically uses simple equipment and techniques. Basic photography is an important building block towards more advanced techniques.

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Arthritis is a disease that progressively damages joints until they are rendered useless if left untreated or it the result of joint trauma People can have arthritis and live a normal productive life if they make sure their arthritis is properly treated before major damage occurs.

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