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moons and stars.. star studded sky..:)

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Q: What are visible in the night sky?
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Is Saturn visible in the night sky?


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why do scientists aew able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible

What motion is responsible for the regular season change of constellations visible in the night sky?

The Earth orbiting the Sun is responsible for the regular seasonal changes of the constellations visible in the night sky.

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How do I use the word visible in a sentence?

The package is not visible from my current vantage point.

Which phase of the moon has the longest duration in the night sky?

The full moon phase has the longest duration in the night sky, as it is visible throughout the entire night.

Will Jupiter be visible in night sky august 2009?

Yes, Jupiter is currently the brightest thing in the night sky, not counting the moon.

What is the meaning of moonless?

A period (usually night) when there is no moon visible in the sky.

When no moon is visible in the night sky the moon is in what phase?

New Moon.

Is Saturn always visible in the night sky?

Saturn is not always visible in the night sky. Its visibility depends on its position in its orbit relative to Earth, as well as the time of year. Saturn is most visible when it is at opposition, which is when it is directly opposite the Sun in the sky.

Which star is never seen in the night sky?

The Sun is the star that is never seen in the night sky. It is too bright to be visible against the backdrop of the stars at night.

Is the sky black at night?

At night darkness emerges for which the sky seems to be black, though originally it is blue. The color blue is visible with the onset of dawn.