the circulatory system has three main parts:
the heart
the blood vessels
the blood
but actually theres more
arteries, capillaries, and viens
answer by: kate camille m. vasquez!!!
The human body has 3 main parts:The heartThe bloodThe blood vesselsSometimes people count the fluid lymph, and the vessels that carry it in them, parts of the circulatory system.A few of the parts of the heart are ventricles, arteries, valves, the septum, and the atria. The pumping sound of the heart comes from valves opening and closing.
The cadiovascular system, sometimes called the circulatory system when it includes the lymphatic system.
The circulatory system of a cow is similar to the one in other mammals. The main components are the heart, blood vessels and of course the blood among others.
PulmonaryThe main artery of the human circulatory system is called the aorta. It comes directly off of the heart, carrying oxygenated blood to other arteries that carry it to the body's cells. About the thickness of your thumb, it is also the largest artery.
the blood, blood vessels and the heart are the three main elements of the circularatory system. Hope that helped :)
The three main parts of the circulatory system are the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
The two main part of circulatory system are hearth and Arteries
The two main parts of the circulatory system is the Heart and The Blood.
The main parts of the circulatory system are the heart, arteries and veins. Together, they work together to pump blood throughout the system, with the blood within, containing oxygen that is vital to the survival of an organism.
The main parts of the circulatory system are the heart, blood, and blood vessels. it's main function is to carry oxygen, nutrients, and wastes to and from the body tissues.
The main organ of the circulatory system is the heart.The heart pumps blood tothe other parts of the body.
Yes, the three main parts of the circulatory system -- heart, arteries, and veins -- work together. By definition, every organ system is made up of organs that work together.
The two main parts are the heart and the blood vessels
the heart is part of the circulatory system in the body.
The Heart is the main organ of a circulatory system.
The main part of the circulatory system is the heart. It pumps blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products. The circulatory system also includes blood vessels like arteries, veins, and capillaries that help transport blood to different parts of the body.
The function of the circulatory system is to distribute blood throughout the body. Through the circulatory system, the blood delivers oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and heat to all areas of the body.