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uum. any dance of a certain region, or country. theres a tarantula dance, which people in Europe believed cured a tarantulas bite. the haka, a war dance the maoris of New Zealand performed, and highland dancing.

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Q: What are the examples of folk dancing?
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Give 5 example of folk dancing and its origin?

give 5 examples of folk dance originated?

What are different foreign folk dance?

Some examples of foreign folk dances are La Cucaracha, the Japanese Parasol Dance, the Chinese Fan Dance, Hula Dancing, Square Dancing, and the Varsovienne.

What has the author Kay Seamonson written?

Kay Seamonson has written: 'Norwegian folk dancing' -- subject(s): Folk dancing, Norwegian Folk dancing

Can you have some examples of artistic dancing?

Dancing in general is artistic. Some examples of dancing include ballroom, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and folk. A dancer expresses themselves through the art of dance.

What has the author Grace Imogene Fox written?

Grace Imogene Fox has written: 'Folk dancing' -- subject(s): Folk dance music, Folk dancing

What has the author Violet Alford written?

Violet Alford has written: 'Peeps at English folk-dances' -- subject(s): English Folk dancing 'The Pyrenees' -- subject(s): Dancing 'Pyrenean festivals' -- subject(s): Dancing, Festivals, Folk songs, Social life and customs 'The singing of the travels' -- subject(s): Folk dancing, Folk drama

What is hoedown dancing?

A type of folk dancing that's very speedy!

What is the meaning of folk dancing?


Who invented folk dancing?

The folk. That is, the common people. Folk dances are generally not invented by a specific person.

Objectives of folk dancing?

Folk dancing primarily aims to let other people understand the Filipino culture though folk dancing. In order to appreciate more the Filipino music and dances, folk dance was created.

What are the affecting folk dance?

There are quite a few factors that affect Folk Dancing. These factors include rhythm, meter, and associated steps for dancing.

What has the author John P Cullinane written?

John P. Cullinane has written: 'Further aspects of the history of Irish dancing' -- subject(s): Folk dancing, Folk dancing, Irish, History, Irish Folk dancing 'Further aspects of the history of Irish dancing in Ireland, Scotland, Canada, America, New Zealand and Australia'