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Surface Mining

easier than subsurface mining

does more damage to environment

creates more of a mess

Subsurface Mining

it is very dangerous

you retrieve minerals from underground

you have very little air underground

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9y ago
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13y ago
  • Surface mining is very dangerous.


  • Subsurface mining is safer
  • Subsurface mining is cheaper,
  • Subsurface mining is faster
60% of the mining in the US is Subsurface mining.
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14y ago

Of course, it depends what type of mining you are referring to, the location, the material, etc.

The most common and obvious advantage to any mining is purely economical- money, and whatever material is being mined (Like mining coal for fuel).

And the most significant drawback is environmental- Mining, in general, is terrible for the environment (Some types of mining more than others). However, mining usually invoves the complete destruction and devastation of whatever environment it is in. This can become very controversial, like the Cheviot mine in Alberta, Canada.

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12y ago

The advantages and disadvantages of mining can be determined based on facts uncovered by scientists and by personal opinions. One definite advantage is the fact that it brings in large amount of profits for the companies doing the mining. It also provides employment for people who are unemployed in the mining regions. Mining for gold, coal and other ores are valuable because they are useful in manufacturing useful consumer products. The country will also benefit from the taxes being paid by the companies conducting the mining excavations. On the other hand there is a downside to mining. One of the main disadvantage is deforestation. Many of the forests and trees are being destroyed for the sole purpose of extracting valuable minerals. It has also caused pollution in the mining areas. The rivers and lakes are being polluted. The pollution has caused danger to wildlife and human beings that inhabit the mining regions. Mining is definitely a controversial issue and the advantages and disadvantages should always be weighed.

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11y ago

Disadvantages: It is harder than surface mining and it also costs more money and takes more time

Advantages: Leads to more minerals and ore, also creates less pollution.

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11y ago

when you do subsurface mining it causes earth quakes and tsunamis

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Q: Compare surface and subsurface mining
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What mining technique is less harmful to the environment surface or subsurface mining?

Subsurface mining is generally considered less harmful to the environment compared to surface mining. Subsurface mining causes less land disturbance and produces less waste material on the surface. However, both mining techniques can have environmental impacts if not properly managed.

Compare and contrast surface mining and subsurface mining on the basis of cost safety land disturbance and energy use?

Surface mining is generally cheaper than subsurface mining, as it involves fewer machinery and labor costs. However, surface mining can cause more land disturbance and environmental damage due to the removal of topsoil and vegetation. Subsurface mining, while more expensive, is often considered safer as mining activities are conducted underground. Both methods require significant energy use, but subsurface mining may consume more energy for ventilation and transportation.

What is the difference of surface mining and subsurface mining?

Surface mining is safer and easier than subsurface mining.Surface mining does more damage to the environment than subsurface.Surface mining creates more of a mess then subsurface or open cut mining.ON TH OTHER HAND-Subsurface mining is very dangerous.Subsurface mining allows you to retreive minerals from underground.Subsurface mining requires you to go underground, where you will have very little air.

What types of minnings are there?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

What are types of minning?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

What kind of surface or subsurface mining was done in Leadville Colorado?

In Leadville, Colorado, both surface and subsurface mining were conducted. Surface mining involved open pit mining for materials like gold and silver. Subsurface mining involved digging shafts and tunnels deep underground to extract minerals like lead and zinc.

Is iron mined using surface or subsurface mining?


When will surface mining and subsurface mining be used?

Surface mining is used when mineral deposits are close to the surface, making it more cost-effective and efficient to extract them using methods like open-pit mining. Subsurface mining is employed when mineral deposits are buried deep underground, necessitating techniques such as shaft mining or drift mining to access them. The choice between surface and subsurface mining depends on factors such as the depth and location of the mineral deposits, environmental considerations, and cost-effectiveness.

How is surface mining similar to subsurface mining?

Surface mining and subsurface mining are both methods used to extract minerals from the Earth's crust. However, surface mining involves removing the overlying rock and soil to access the mineral resources, while subsurface mining involves digging tunnels or shafts underground to access the mineral deposits. Both methods can have environmental impacts and require careful planning and management to minimize these impacts.

What are someTypes of subsurface mining?

i don't know the types of subsurface mining, but i know some facts.surface mining is safer and easier than subsurface mining.You don't have much air underground.It has no or very little advantages compared to surface mining.

What are the benefits of surface mining over subsurface mining?

Surface mining is generally more cost-effective and less dangerous than subsurface mining. It also has a lower environmental impact as it causes less disturbance to the surrounding ecosystems. Additionally, surface mining allows for easier access to the mineral resources, making it more efficient.

What are surface and subsurface mining techniques. what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each technique?

Surface mining involves extracting minerals near the surface by removing vegetation and soil, while subsurface mining involves digging tunnels deep underground to extract minerals. Surface mining is faster, cheaper, and less hazardous to miners but can lead to environmental degradation and habitat destruction. Subsurface mining is safer for the environment but poses higher risks to miners due to the potential for collapses and gas explosions.