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Swastikas mainly. You know, the Nazi symbol

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Dave Chappelle is satirizing racism in the black white supremacist skit. Chappelle's show ran for 3 seasons on Comedy Central.

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Nazi's are a minority of people who believe that "white people" are an Aryan race and that Adolf Hitler was some sort of divine power. Not to be mistaken for "white supremacist"; although very similar "white supremacist's" are different in the way that they do not believe that Adolf Hitler was a divine power but still maintain the belief that "white people" are somehow superior to other races.Note: None of the Nazi's or "white supremacist's" belief's have been proven so it's a political belief not factual in anyway.

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Aryan. Or 'pure' blooded white Germans. They were extreme white supremacist's.

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lol That was the name of the show.

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