· Nutria
Naïve Nice Native
· nap · nature · nostalgic
Nails, nickels, needles and nightsticks are round. They begin with the letter n.
nori (another name for dried seedweed)
· nervousness
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter N are:nachosnailnail polishnameNanaNancynanny goatnanonanotechnologynapnapkinnarwhalNASANASCARnationnatureNavynavy beanNebraskanecessitynecknecktienectarineneedleneglieenegotiationneighbornemesisnephewNerf toynervesnestnetNetflixnetworknewbornnewsnewspapernewtNew YorkniacinnibbleNicknickelnicknameNicolasNiecenightnight crawlernight gownnight lightnightmareNIGHT STANDNike'sNile RivernineNintendoNitrogennobilityNobodynodulenogginnoisenoisemakernomadnominationnoodlenooknoosenormalcynorthnosenotationnotchnotenotebookNotepadnothingnotificationnotionnougatnounNovembernovicenubnucleusNuggetsnumbernumbersnunnun chucksnursenurserynursury rhymesnutnutcrackernutritionnutshellnylonnymph
Newscaster, nuclear engineer and nurse are professions. They begin with the letter N.
Nurse shark and narwhal are shark species. They live in the ocean.
Some adjectives that describe a shark and begin with the letter N include: - Nasty - Naughty
Here are some beautiful animals that begin with the letter N: Narwhal Nubian Ibex Numbat
Some machines that begin with the letter N are:Nail GunNannyCamNintendoNotebook ComputerNuclear BombNuclear magnetic Resonance Spectroscope is a machine that starts with N.
Nissan (brand of car)
Nativity (in northern hemisphere)
· nuts · nachos
Nail, nametag, napkin, necktie, newspaper, novel and nozzle are things. They begin with the letter N.