Downtrodden, down-on-their-luck, unlucky, waif, and stray are some of the less offensive adjectives. Hobo, tramp, vagabond, bum, derelict and gypsy are other adjectives.
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Some Adjectives to describe dodo are: Brown, nasty, and gross.
Nouns are not describing words, adjectives are the words that describe noun; people is a noun. Some adjectives starting with O that describe people are:objectiveobliviousobsessedobtuseobviousoldopenopportunisticoriginalorneryostentatiousowlishSome nouns for people that start with O are:oboistoceanographerofficerOlympianopera singeropportunistophthalmologistorganistornithologistorthopedistoutsideroyster farmer
No action verbs will describe a rainbow because verbs do not describe. Adjectives describe nouns. Some adjectives to describe a rainbow are: beautiful bright colorful
Adjectives are the words that describe nouns; the word tree is a noun, a word for a thing. Some adjectives that can describe a tree are:averagebeautifulbloomingbushycutdamagedevergreenfloweringgreengrowingleaflessleafylonemagnificentnativeoldstrongtallunusualyoung
Lincoln was a quick learner. Lincoln was a qualified lawyer.
Adjectives are words used to describe a noun.Some adjectives that describe food are:attractivebadcolddeliciousgoodhotlovelysaltyscrumptioussoothingspicysweettastyyummy
Adjectives that can describe a slide are:slantedslipperyslopedshortquickrusty
Words that describe nouns are adjectives. Some adjectives to describe the noun brown are:lightdarksepiaauburnredyellowchocolaterussetsiennarust
Adjectives that begin with J, S and N:J:JazzyJoyfulJoyousN:NeatNiceNobleNotableNoticeableNurturingS:SmartSpectacularStunningStupendousSuper
There aren't any verbs beginning with any letter that describe people. Verbs show an action. Adjectives describe people.
Words beginning with the letter s that describe people:sarcasticscatterbrainsselfishseriousshysillysinceresloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingysympathetic
Adjectives describe things. I would describe a snail as slow or slimy.
Some adjectives to describe the noun thoughts are:conclusiveconstructivedeepdisquietinghappyhelpfulinsightfulinspirationalinterestingrestlessscaryweary
Some Adjectives to describe dodo are: Brown, nasty, and gross.
Here are some adjectives to describe a dog:activeadorableaffectionateaggressiveagilealertbigblackbravebrowncannycheerfulcourageouscutedetermineddignifieddominantelegantenergeticfearlessfluffyfriendlygentlegreyhappyhealthyinquisitiveintelligentlazylivelyloyalmischievousmuscularobedientoutgoingplayfulpurebredresponsiverobustshysmallsociablespiritedspottedsubmissivetimidwatchfulwhiteyoungI have these. There are possibly more.
He. His. Him.