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Basically the absence of light. brown is the absence of all color while grey is the inclusion of all colors. Color is not visible without light. Color theory can be a bit confusing.

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Q: What are absence colors?
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What colors are in black?

Black is the absence of color. It is created by the absorption of all colors and the absence of any reflected light.

Is a white a combination of colors or absence of colors?

white is made up of all the colours in the spectrum

What colors does black contain?

Black contains no colors; it is the absence of color. Black is created when all colors are absorbed or not reflected in an object, resulting in the perception of darkness or the absence of light.

What colours do you mix to get white?

To create white, you do not mix colors. White is the absence of color and is considered a pure, achromatic color.

How do we see white in the absence of color?

We see white in the absence of color because white light contains all the colors of the visible spectrum. When all colors are combined, they create white light.

Is black or white the absence of color?

Black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors. When all colors are combined, they create white light.

What colors can be mixed to get white?

Erm... All of them. White is all the colors in one, black is the total absence of color.

Is black the absorption of all colors or the absence of color?

Yes it is. From Wikipedia

Why are black and white colors?

Black is the absence of light, while white is the presence of all colors of light. In terms of pigments, white is the presence of all colors mixed together, and black is the absence of color.

Is black a color or the absence of color?

Black is the absence of color. It occurs when no light is reflected off an object, so it absorbs all colors.

Are black and white colours?

In the context of light, black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors. In the context of pigment, black is the presence of all colors, while white is the absence of color.

Is black and white colors?

Black and white are shades, not colors. In the world of color theory, black is the absence of color and white is a combination of all colors.