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I know that Paloma Picasso has her own Jewelery line

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Q: What are Pablo Picasso children doing today?
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Who Or what influenced the work of Pablo Picasso?

his dad and lots of other artists influenced pablo Picasso to reach the fame that he reached today

Is Pablo Picasso Cuban?

No, Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain. He went to Paris when he was 18 for the world's fair. True...but Pablo Picasso's grandfather, left Malaga for Cuba at the end of the 1800's and there married a black free woman, who became mother of three, picasso's black decendants live in Cuba...and one of the distant cousins is a great painter there.

How old was Pablo Picasso whe he died?

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 and died on April 8, 1973. Pablo Picasso would have been 91 years old at the time of death or 133 years old today.

Where did Pablo Picasso graduate?

He did not. The Spanish school system of the 1890s was different from the one in US today.

Who owns Pablo Picasso's painting Maternity done in 1905?

I do since today, really , just bought it

What does artwork by Picasso cost today?

Millions! "...Pablo Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, a painting created in the span of a single day in 1932, [sold] for $106.5 million dollars."

Where is the famous artwork of the 'Three Musicians' painted by Pablo Picasso found today?

He made two versions. One is in Philadelphia, one in New York City.

Did Pablo Picasso complete a tertiary course in Art?

It is impossible to make a comparison between today's educational system and the Royal Academy of Art in Madrid of the 1890's.

What has the author Pablo Picasso written?

Pablo Picasso has written: 'Picasso' 'Exposition Picasso, 1970-1972, 201 peintures, du 23 mai au 23 septembre 1973, Palais des papes, Avignon' 'Trozo de piel' 'First viewing of Picasso's \\' 'Pablo Picasso und Jacqueline' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Portraits, Themes, motives 'Picasso--the early years, 1892-1906' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'The surrealist Picasso' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Surrealism 'Children's homage to Picasso' -- subject(s): Bullfights, Bullfights in art, Bullfights in art., Children's art, Children's art. 'Late Picasso' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'Picasso 347' 'Hommage a Pablo Picasso' 'Picasso, 100 estampes originales, 1930-1937' 'Picasso's Picassos: the treasures of La Californie' 'Ceramics' -- subject(s): Pottery 'The sculptor's studio' 'La chute d'Icare de Pablo Picasso' 'Picasso 1900-1906' 'Picasso, suite Vollard' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'Picasso, lithographe' 'Dessins de tauromachie, 1917-1960' '[ Drawings. 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Graphische Sammlung, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Drawing 'Picasso, the Avignon paintings' 'Sketchbook' 'Poemas en prosa' 'Graphic works 1899-1955' 'Picasso, 1898-1936' 'Picasso contemporain' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Nude in art, Pictorial works 'Picassos Toros' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Bullfights in art 'Toros y toreros' -- subject(s): Bullfights in art 'Der Maler und sein Modell' 'L' opera completa di Picasso cubista' -- subject(s): Cubism 'Paintings and drawings of Picasso' 'Picasso's Vollard Suite (Painters & Sculptors)' 'Pikaso' -- subject(s): Exhibitions 'Las meninas' 'Picasso sketchbook' 'Picasso's world of children' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Children in art 'Gongora' -- subject(s): Illustrations, Portraits, Women 'Original ceramics by Pablo Picasso' 'Picasso : dessins 1970-1972' 'Picasso, les demoiselles d'Avignon' -- subject(s): Notebooks, sketchbooks, Criticism and interpretation 'Der junge Picasso' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Biography, Artists 'Pablo Picasso: blue and rose periods' 'Pablo Picasso: Plakate. Affiches. Posters' 'Picasso: drawings, 1961-1968' 'Picasso: La formacion de un genio 1890-1904' 'Picasso the sculptor' 'Picasso, dessins.' 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How old did Pablo piccasso live to be?

Famous artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was born October 25, 1881. He died at age 91. He would have been 135 years old in 2016, which is about twenty years older than the oldest humans actually alive today.

Why is Guernica considered to be Piccasso's greatest work?

Geurnica (northern Spain) was bombed by the German condor legion during the Spanish civil war. Pablo Picasso painted a famous response to this.

Who is a good artist to do a 3000 word essay on and why. I also have to mention what inspired them to do the type of art they do.?

There are many fine artists to write about today. Pablo Picasso or Salvador Dali. There is a lot of information available on them, and they both did many interesting pieces in their life-time.