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He or she needs to understand light that deals with Photography, and the correct settings to take the best possible picture. Needs to know how to work in computer programs(photoshop) in order to change a picture. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE OF THEM ALL!!!!!! You need to understand art.................

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15y ago
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14y ago

"Pictures tell a thousand words." Photography tells stories and communicates message. It is also pleasing to look at.

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10y ago

Photography is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing and business, as well as its more direct uses for art, recreational purposes, and Mass Communication.

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How does conventional photography differ from a modern photography?

Conventional photography uses film while modern photograhp mainly uses digital.

Which quality of light uses in photography?

That light is a form of energy.

What do you call the technique in photography that uses creative light and shadows?

chiaroscuro That artistic technique is used not only in photography, but in all graphic arts.

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Many software packages us HDR functions. A few of them are Artizen HDR, DynamicPhoto HDR, easyHDR, Essential HDR, HDR Darkroom, HDR Photo Studio, Luminance HDR, Photomatix Pro, Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro, and Picturenaut.

What is basic photography?

Basic photography is photography which requires the lowest possible technical knowledge. Basic photography of objects, buildings etc. basically uses simple equipment and techniques. Basic photography is an important building block towards more advanced techniques.

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