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Due to the vast distance between the earth and polaris, the earths axis of rotation essentially lines up with polaris at all times, so when the stars are visible, and viewed from the north pole, the earths rotation causes the stars to appear to rotate around polaris.

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Q: What appears to revolve around Polaris due to earth's rotation?
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Polaris revolve around which planet?

Polaris, also known as the North Star, appears to be stationary in the night sky because it is aligned with Earth's axis of rotation. Therefore, it does not revolve around any planet.

Why do constellations appear to revolve around the Pole star?

Constellations appear to revolve around the Pole star because it is located directly above the Earth's North Pole. As Earth rotates on its axis, the stars appear to move in a circular trajectory around the Pole star. This phenomenon is known as the apparent motion of the stars due to Earth's rotation.

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The Sun does not revolve around itself; it rotates on its axis. It takes about 25 Earth days for the Sun to complete one rotation.

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The northern sky appears to turn counterclockwise around the North Star, Polaris. This rotation is due to the Earth's rotation on its axis.

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It means to revolve around the sun and rotate on its axis

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It takes 84 years for Uranus to revolve around the Sun.

Why do the stars in the northern hemisphere appear to revolve around polaris?

That is because Polaris is vertically above the North Pole, so it's in line with the Earth's axis and it always stays in the same place in the sky as seen from any given place. As the Earth rotates everything else appears to move round it.

What is the difference between a planet's rotation and its revolution?

The planets rotate around their rotational axes and revolve around the sun.

Why do all stars in the northern hemisphere appear to revolve around Polaris?

That is because Polaris is vertically above the North Pole, so it's in line with the Earth's axis and it always stays in the same place in the sky as seen from any given place. As the Earth rotates everything else appears to move round it.

Why do the stars appear to rotate around Polaris?

It's an illusion caused by the actual rotation of the earth.

What is the orbit time for mars to revolve around the sun?

It takes about 88 earth days to make one complete rotation around the sun.