The approx. latitude is 43 degrees north, and the approx. longitude is 88 degrees west. The exact latitude is 43.04 degrees north, and the exact longitude is 87.95 degrees west.
43 degrees
The modern Greek city of Sparti is supposedly built on the site of the ancient city of Sparta. It is located at
Spain covers more than 502,000 square kilometers. It's impossible to be precise with so much land. If you want absolutes, be precise about what you want an Absolute of. Below are the coordinates of three major cities and even these are not too precise in as much as cities tend to be fairly large also. The coordinates below could be even more precise if the Datum which gives those coordinate were given also.Don't ask for absolutes if you don't understand what that engenders!Madrid: (capital city) 40º 25' N, 03º 43' WBarcelona: 41º 25' N, 02º 10' ESeville: 37º 24' N, 05º 59' WThe absolute location of Spain is 40.4333 degrees N, 3.7000 degrees W. Spain is a country located in southwestern Europe.
If this atom has 43 electron it must have 43 protons to be a neutral atom of no charge.
The latitude of the observer is equal to the altitude of Polaris. Therefore, if the altitude of Polaris is 43 degrees, then the latitude of the observer is 43 degrees.
Nagoya, Japan is located at 35 degrees north latitude and 136 degrees east longitude.
The port city located at 43 degrees latitude and 132 degrees longitude is Vladivostok, Russia.
If you are anywhere on latitude 43° N, and you dig a hole straight down to thecenter of the Earth and keep going straight until you pop out of the other side,you will pop out at latitude 43° S .
Mount Ararat, located in Turkey, is located closest to 40 degrees north latitude and 44 degrees east longitude, at 39°43′00″N latitude and 44°16′00″E longitude.
niagra falls
A promontory on the southeast portion of the island of Hokkaido, Japan, about 300 km due east of Sapporo, is at 43 degrees north latitude and 145 degrees east longitude.
The coordinates 43 degrees north latitude by 13 degrees east longitude point to a location in central Italy. This specific point is near the city of Florence.
rio de janerio
Boston, Massachusetts