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You can use either SEJAT S1211 or SEJAT C058 for photoshop, both of them are easy to use, upon your need, S1211 has larger screen and C058 has smaller screen.

These tablets have a ton of features without being overwhelming. While the pen definitely takes some getting used to, this really brings a whole new level of perfection to digital art. Great interface, easy controls, minimal set-up, instant installation. While I know there are more advanced ones out there, this one isn't glitchy and is a joy to use as is. It's also very sturdy, which is a definite bonus for anything you own when you have nieces and nephews that don't always answer to the word 'no'. You won't find a better deal out there-- believe me I've looked. I couldn't have asked for a better deal.

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thats not true. well if you would like to make your pictures better and put them on your computer and use better shading you can buy the wacom bamboo fun. its currently 129$. you can buy this if you would like to spend a little of money. I haven't gotten this yet buy i believe it is a best buy.

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Q: What Drawing Tablet should I use for my art work?
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What input would you use for drawing a cartoon?

Drawing tablets, drawing pen tablets are a wonderful way to draw whether it is about any cartoon, architectural work, measurements, drawing or any other art related work.

What is better a drawing tablet or a tablet PC?

Digital art and drawing can be done by using a drawing tablet. For drawing straight lines and stuff like that, pen tablets can be used. A digital tablet pen will help to draw lines whether thick or thin and will provide more drawing facilities than a mouse.

What are at least three tools that are commonly used for digital art?

Simple drawing materials Adobe Photoshop or other editing software Drawing Tablet

Advantages of freehand drawing?

1. Original art work 2. stress relief 3. can be done at all place any time (un like tablet drawing or painting) 3.great practice for your all all drawing building hand eye coordination, learning about line, shading how to control your pressure. and that helps your over all art.

What is the best angle for a drawing tablet to optimize comfort and precision while creating digital art?

The best angle for a drawing tablet to optimize comfort and precision while creating digital art is typically around 30 to 45 degrees. This angle allows for a natural hand position and better control over the stylus, resulting in more accurate and comfortable drawing experience.

Do you sharpen drawing charcoal?

A sandpaper sheet or block should do nicely. But keep the resultant dust away from your art work.

How does one change the settings on a Wacom Tablet from drawing thickerthinner lines depending on pressure to drawing more transparentless transparent lines depending on pressure?

I'm pretty sure that's only possible with the art program you draw in, not the actual tablet settings. In some programs you should be able to change the settings so that the opacity will be more transparent the lighter you press, etc.

Where can you buy a pen tablet?

Buy the best pen tablet with high performance for drawing and graphics art! High Quality Tablet for Everyone. Smart, Stylish & Powerful products from Xencelabs!

Can a wacom bamboo fun be used for professional digital art work like digital painting and drawing?

It certainly can. Although it doesn't have as many pressure levels and it doesn't recognise tilt, it is a high quality and very capable Wacom tablet that I have used for professional work for years.

What is the definition of proportion in engineering drawing?

Principle of art that combines elements in a work of art to create size relationships of elements to the whole artwork and to each other.

What is a comp drawing?

Comp drawing could mean one of a few things: Composite drawing - In design, this can refer to a preliminary design or sketch. Composition drawing - the arrangement of objects or ingredients in the borders of a work of art, such as a drawing. Computer drawing - the set of technologies used to create art with computers, usually referred to as computer graphics.

What is M.C. Escher's most famous art work?

It might be "Drawing Hands" or "Relativity".