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You me Winter formal Dance, now!

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Q: Way to ask a boy to the winter formal dance?
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What is a cute way to ask a girl to the winter formal dance?

if she really likes u, anything will b awesome

What is a creative way to ask a guy to a formal dance?

Just be breezy, but don't ask him right out. Start out slowly and then ease your way into the quistion.

When a guy finds out that you like him and he's avoiding you and then he starts talking to you again and a lot does he like you more than a friend?

oh boy. guys are sooooo confusing! the only way to tell in your situation is to just ask him. then he'll tell you. (PS- answer mine! How can I get a guy to ask me to winter formal dance at my school )

What is a cute and creative way to ask a boy to the winter formal dance?

AnswerGo up to the boy, ask him to sit by you at lunch, talk to him, give him some laughs, then after lunch go to where ever he go's, then say, (what ever his name is) come to my locker (or desk) then say we have to talk. say very slowly, (name) i was wondering, since I dont have anyone to go to the dance with, will you? Then he would most likely say yes.

A cute way to ask a guy to a dance?

find out what he likes and use that to ask him to the dance

How can I get a guy to ask me to winter formal dance at my school?

There's usually no casual or normal way to get a guy to ask you, but a lot of teenage guys respect girls that have the courage to ask them. Its really uncommon, and a lot of guys find that kind of thing attractive in girls. Speaking from my own perspective, it would be really cool if a girl asked me, instead of me asking her like usual.

What is another way to ask a boy out?

Ask him to go with you to the dance.

What is a good way to ask someone to a dance?

just do it

What is a good way to ask a boy to the sweethearts dance?

Just ask him, be confident but not cocky.

What is a good way to ask a guy to winter formal incorporating the fire department?

Well t does not really matter what it is for but, if you want to ask a guy you should get away from all his friends, if you can't be face to face do it on facebook, send the guyy a message, if he wants to go with you or you just can ask him out

What is the dress code for boys in a dinner dance?

Depends if it's more formal then white or black tie. If it's more like a school dance then semi-formal with a nice shirt, no jacket, a tie, and dressy pants. Ask your date what she's wearing and match that and if you don't have a date ask a girl you like and do the same.

Should you or the guy ask them out?

the guy should ask out the girl because it is more formal and you look like a tool when you get asked out by a chick. except when its a saide Hawkins dance