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Juno is the Roman name of the goddess Hera sister and wife of the father of gods and men Zeus, daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown. She was the queen of gods and goddesses, women, marriage, sky and starry heavens IN ADDITION: she was a beautiful woman, but was never seen naked or half naked, always fully dressed and clothed with a head wear and such

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16y ago
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14y ago

First off, Diana is a Roman goddess. Her Greek name is Artemis. As for the question: Yes, her beauty is even compared to Venus, the the goddess of love and beauty. Even though she is very pretty, she loves no man.

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9y ago

Her looks depend on the artist who paints or sculpts her. Click link below for examples!

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14y ago

The wilds, animals, virginity, and the moon.

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12y ago

The Roman goddess Juno, AKA Hera, was almost as beautiful as Aphrodite. She had curly brown hair.

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Q: Was the Greek goddess Diana pretty?
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Artemis was the Greek goddess of the Hunt. Her Roman counterpart is Diana.

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Diana was not a Greek god. She was a Roman goddess. The enemies of Diana are Juno and Venus. Juno hates her because she is the daughter of Zeus by another woman. Juno even boxed Diana's ears during the Trojan War. Venus and Diana don't get along because Diana is the goddess of virginity and Venus is the goddess of love.

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Artemis is a Greek goddess; the Roman Diana was a cultural counterpart.

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The Roman goddess of the Hunt is Diana. Her Greek equivalent is Artemis.

What is goddess Diana's Greek name?

The Roman goddesses Diana is the roman aspect of the Greek goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt, virginity, and later on the moon after Selene retired with her consort Helios.

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Artemis is a Greek immortal goddess and did not die. Diana is a Roman immortal goddess and did not die.