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She was one of the goddesses of childbirth. It goes back to her own birth. When she was born, her mother, Leto, had no pain. She was also her mother's midwife while her twin brother, Apollo was being born. Therefor, she became a goddess of childbirth. Women experiencing labor pains called upon her to help them.

The other goddesses of childbirth are Hera and Ilithyia.

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Greek mythology does not give us such details, but I do know that Persephone, Athena and Artemis were raised as maidens together before Hades kidnapped Persephone.

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Artemis and Apollo were twins. Hera sent a monster after Leto. After arriving at Delos, Artemis was born and helped Leto give birth to Apollo.

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Is Artemis the greek goddess the goddess of childbirth?

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Artemis was immortal from her birth. Artemis was born of the god Zeus and the goddess Leto. The twin of Artemis is Apollo.

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Among the Greek goddesses which Artemis is identified with are Selene the moon goddess, Hecate the goddess of night and magic and Eileithyia the goddess of birth. Artemis is also identified with Despoine, Britomartis, Diktynna and Aphaia.

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How did Artemis become the goddess of childbirth?

Artemis aided her mother Leto in the birth of her twin brother Apollo.

Why was Artemis worshiped?

Artemis was worshiped because she was the virgin goddess of the hunt, nature, children, and child-birth.

Where was the Greek Goddess Artemis from?

Artemis was born on the island of Delos. After her birth she helped her mother give birth to her younger twin brother, Apollo.

When is the Greek goddess Artemis' birthday?

Since she is in mythology, she does not have a birth date.

How is Artemis helpful?

Artemis was also a goddess of childbirth; having helped her own mother, Leto birth Apollo.