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Artemis as a baby was a immortal goddess. Artemis was born of the immortal Olympian god Zeus and the immortal Titan goddess Leto.

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What was Artemis life as a baby?

hehehe hahaha

Was Artemis an adult when she came out of her farther?

No, Artemis came out of her mother Leto as a baby. It was Athena who came full grown from the head of her father Zeus.

What were the rivals of the goddess Artemis?

Hera (of heaven) was a goddess that Artemis (of wilderness) quarreled with - though each time Hera beat her in the contest. In birth, Hera protected the women and Artemis the baby. Aphrodite could not touch the heart of Artemis, Hestia, and Athena. Artemis was further identified with Eos, Selene, Hecate, Despoine, and Britomartis or Diktynna.

Did Artemis have a childhood?

If you mean, was Artemis not born as an adult, then the answer is yes. Artemis was born as a baby then helped her mother give birth to Apollo, her twin. She grew up on Earth until she was a grown up. Then she joined the Olympians in Mt. Olympus.

Who are Artemis Fowl's relatives?

He has his mother and father. In The Time Paradox, he has two twin baby brothers.

What are Artemis skills as a goddess?

Artemis is most famous for being a huntress, she also was called upon when a mother is giving birth to protect the baby - if a boy it passed into the care of Apollo, if a girl Artemis continued to protect the child until she passed from maiden age (was married).

In Artemis Fowl who says Pixies rock hard Extreme pixie hard rock baby?

HAHAHAHHAAA!! SORY! the question was just 2 funny! anyway, in the Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox, Artemis got trapped with "Mistress" Opal Koboi in the time warp. She orders one of the twins Merval and tells him to juice Artemis' brain. While Merval was entering a password to a computer, he suddenly enjoys himself and sings,"Pixies rock hard! Extreme Pixies rock hard Baby! Artemis didnt think it was true, but it took hime time to file Merval's password (the gnomish password) sorry if its confusing.

What does Artemis?

What does Artemis need?

Is Artemis a boy or a girl?

The Greek goddess Artemis is a female. However, if you are referring to Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl is a male.

What is the baby of fowl?

Artemis Fowl hasn`t got any baby. I don`t think so but... If you mean fowl birds, they're called chicks. you should be more clear with your questions.

The names of all the Artemis Fowl books?

1.) Artemis Fowl 2.) Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident 3.) Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code 4.) Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception 5.) Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony 6.) Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox 7.) Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex

How did Artemis come into being?

Artemis was immortal from her birth. Artemis was born of the god Zeus and the goddess Leto. The twin of Artemis is Apollo.