There is at present no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, which is an Autoimmune disease.
JRA is not communicable, However it seems that a predisposition for developing RA can be passed from parent to child geneticaly.
If it comes and goes you may have Rheumatiod arthritis. check it out with a doctor and get it loked after before it can cause too much damage.
If you have an injury to one of your joints there is the possibility that the injury to the joint is only part of the problem as as one or another form of arthritis may have been causing damage to the joint before then. This sort of damage can have a bearing on any compensation claims made as a result of injury's where there is litigation.
arthritic or by what ever name they like to use.
It seems that there is no cure for Rheumatoid arthritis. But you can use rheumatoid arthritis diet to keep the rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms under control.
Autoimmune system.
He has Rheumatiod Arthritis.
Cancer Autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatiod Arthritis, hayfever, Asthma and lupus
R A can cause problems with lung tisue.
Yes, you can actually be born with arthritis. Most of the people born with arthritis are born with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
JRA is not communicable, However it seems that a predisposition for developing RA can be passed from parent to child geneticaly.
The treatment Rituxan treats moderate to severe cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis by reducing the signs and symptoms of it. Before trying Rituxan, it is recommended to consult with a licensed physician.
Arthralgia is a disease much like arthritis.
She developed arthritis in her trapezium bone in the wrist.
How do you put arthritis in a setence
Rheumatoid arthritis' may lead to pleuritis, that is, Fluid may collect around one or both lungs. Lungs may develop pulmonary fibrosis i.e tissues may become stiff or overgrown. The upshot of these conditions being difficulty with breathing.