dimension duhh!
look up almanac and empheris
They are brought up by other space craft, usually one of the Space Shuttles.
You paint across when you are painting a large amount of space, but any other things you are painting such as objects you have the choice. Unless you are painting wood, in which case you paint with the grain.
Yes. While they are very small, bacteria take up space.
It's called the "volume" of the cube.
The space taken up by an object is called volume.
the amount of space taken up or occupied by an object is its?
Matter takes up space. It has volume, which is the amount of space it occupies. When matter interacts with other matter, it can also take up time and energy.
The amount of space taken up or occupied by an object is its volume.
The amount of water an object displaces is called its volume. It is calculated by measuring the space taken up by the object when submerged in water.
to shorten the amount of space taken up by the contents
It's volume.