The kingdom Protista (also known as Protoctista) includes organisms such as Protozoa, Algae and Fungus.
No.* Only the kingdom of plants, which is called Plantae, practices photosynthesis. *Actually, there are many types of algae (which are classified in kingdom Protista) that are aquatic and are photosynthetic.
animalia, eubacteria, plantae, protista, fungi, archebacteria
Out of the 5 kingdoms, Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Monera, and Protista, protozoa would go under the kingdom Prostista.
biology) A proposed kingdom to include all unicellular organisms lacking a definite cellular arrangement, such as bacteria, algae, diatoms, and fungi.or pond molde
Yes. The other five are Archaebacteria, Monera, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia.
Paramecium belongs to the Kingdom Protista.
Protists are single-celled and they usually move by cilia, flagella, or by amoeboid mechanisms For example; Plasmodium.
Amoebas belong to the kingdom Protista.
Yes, protista do have flagella.
Locomotory organ of protista
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, and Fungi
A Protista reproduces by splitting in half.
Protista are type of eukariyotes.So they have mitochondria.
Most protista are unicellular, but not all are. Google Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta for examples of multicelled protista.
image of kingdom protista