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you need to beat the elite four to go on the ss aqua

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In the cabin, right next too yours. Battle him and he will get back to work.

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Q: Pokemon soul silver ss aqua sailors friend?
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Where is the sailors friend on the ss aqua in Pokemon soul silver?

In the room next to yours, but first you need to battle him.

Where is vermillian city on Pokemon soul silver?

In Kanto. It will be where you get dropped off on the SS Aqua.

How do you get out of ship ss aqua Pokemon soul silver second time?

It sails on Mon and Fri

In Pokemon soul silver how do you get the sailors to drive the fast ship SS Aqua on the outside he is on a break with some lady?

beat the eleat 4 and the it says end go bak into the game go to the lab talt to elm hil give u one

What is the walk through walls code for Pokemon aqua?

there is no code for Pokemon aqua

Where do you get the ss aqua ticket in Pokemon soul silver?

In Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal the SS aqua ticket can be obtained after defeating the Pokemon League. You will be called to Prof. Elm's lab and he will give you the ticket. Go to Olivine City and Head down the dock. Show the guard your ticket and head on your way to the rest of the Kanto region!

How do you get off the ss aqua in Pokemon soul silver?

The SS.Aqua only arrives once you have beaten all the trainers on the boat.

Where do you find the ss aqua in Pokemon soul silver?

you dont ignore that you find it at the bottom of olivine city. hope i helped!

How do you get on S. S. aqua in Pokemon soul silver?

Beat the elite four then Professor Elm will give you the S. S. ticket.

What do you do while you wait for Boaba to call you in Pokemon silver soul?

beat the league, take the fast ship ss aqua to kanto

Where is aqua tail in Pokemon black?

Aqua tail Is not a TM in pokemon black.Therefore you cannot find aqua tail anywhere in the unova region

Where is the ninth gym in Pokemon soul silver?

vermilion city once you've beaten the pkmn league. take the ss aqua from olivine to get there.