The oil filter gasket is a rubber ring that is usually bonded to the oil filter. If the oil filter has been removed and has no gasket, then it has become stuck to the engine block. Remove the gasket from the block before installing a new oil filter with it's own new gasket. Be sure to spread a little clean engine oil on the rubber gasket before installation to help seal and prevent sticking to the block. Do not overtighten the filter, turn the filter until the gasket contacts the block and then tighten 1/4 turn more. If the gasket leaks, tighten just enough to stop the leak.
No you do not, you would put oil on a oil filter gasket if it is a spin on type, this stops the rubber from binding and helps it seal.
This may or may not be the solution for you, but check this out for starters. Some oil filter gaskets are not well bonded to the filter, and as a result, when you remove an old filter, sometimes the old gasket will stick to the engine. If you don't notice, and install a new filter while the old gasket is still stuck there, the new filter will not seal properly and you will have a serious leak. If this turns out to be the case for you, simply remove the old gasket, inspect, and reinstall the new filter with its own gasket. If the filter's gasket looks damaged, or deformed in any way, you're best off buying and installing a new filter. (My personal opinion and advice: don't waste your money on cheapie filters, they're not worth it. Stick with a brand name you trust)
if I understand your ? can not changing an old oil filter gasket casue damage to your engine NO only if it leaked out all the oil other wise no. If the filter change was the cause of the leak and you lost enough oil for the engine to start clattering, yes, it caused the permanent engine damage.
Gas is leaking into your oil pan. If the head gasket is leaking, it needs to be replaced. While the cylinder head is off, look for a cracked piston or worn rings which may cause gas to leak into the oil pan. If the gasket has been replaced and you had no piston damage or bad rings, then change the oil and filter.
Yes there are sealers out there that can be used to seal or repair the gasket
An oil filter gasket is the rubber seal at the bottom of the oil filter that seats on the engine.
When you replace your oil filter it come with a new gasket. Just make sure when you remove / replace the old oil filter the oil gasket comes out with it.
The oil filter gasket is built into the filter itself, so just by changing the filter, you always get the new gasket.
An oil filter gasket is the rubber seal at the bottom of the oil filter that seats on the engine.
Oil coming from the oil filter area usually means that the gasket for the oil filter is not seating right. If the filter was changed recently, the old gasket could have been left on, along with the new gasket, causing a bad seal.
Gasket should be included with new oil filter
On the filter. The open end that you screw on has a gasket around the outer edge. Oil the gasket before installing.
Here are a few reasons for oil to spray from the filter area:The gasket from the old filter was stuck on the oil filter housing and was not removed before the new filter was installed.The new filters gasket is not seated correctly on the oil filter housing.No Oil filter gasket was installed with the new oil filter.Defective Oil Filter and/or Gasket.Oil Filter Housing came lose from the engine block or mounting surface.
Oil filter installed incorrectly as in too tight, too loose, the gasket was not oiled prior to installation, or the old filter gasket was left on. It can also be a valve cover gasket leaking and running down by the filter. Replace the oil filter and oil the gasket and tighten 3/4 turn after it makes contact with the mounting surface. If the leak persists if is not the filter.
the gasket comes built in with the oil filter period! there arent any gasket except the one on the filter . find a new mechanic!
The gasket comes preinstalled on the new filter. Make sure the gasket comes off when you remove the old filter. Apply a think layer of oil to the new filters gasket before installing.
You unscrew the old filter, wet the seal on the new one with oil, and screw the new one on hand tight.