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long e (says its name) * e-mail * eagle * ear * easel * easy * east * electric * eaves * eject * eleven * elastic * elate * ellipse * elope * emotion * enamel * enormous * erase * equation * eliminate * era * eternity * erupt * erratic * erode * event short e * elephant * excited * expensive * extend * etch * establish * estimate * especially * entertain * extra * empty * emulate * enchant * enable * energetic * envelope * emblem * embassy * elf * elbow * educate * eggelect * eloquent * elevator * echo * ebony * eccentric * eatable

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Q: Objects name start with e sound?
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What objects start with the letter E?

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Does feather has a short e sound?

Yes. The E has a short E sound as in net and test.

Does when have the long e sound?

No. When has a short e sound. Leaf has a long e sound though. When a letter says it's own name then it is long.

Does the name Pete have a long e sound?

Yes. The first E in Pete is a long E and the final E is silent. It is a homophone for the word "peat."

Does engineer have a long e sound?

No. There is a short E at the start. And although the EE makes the sound of the letter E (normally a long E), the sound is R-controlled and is indicated by a caret I. Most caret I words have an "ear" (îr) sound.

Does Bess have a short E sound?

No, Bess does not have a short E sound. The E in Bess is pronounced as a short e, similar to the "e" sound in "bed" or "let".

Does came have a long E sound?

No. It has a long A sound and a silent E, to rhyme with name, fame, and claim.

What are some objects that begin with the letter E?

Some objects that start with the letter E are:earmuffsear plugsear ringsearsearthearthwormeasy chaireavesebonyeclairedificeeffigyeggeggbeatereggplantEiffel Towerelectric griddleelephantelm treeembroideryemeraldEmpire State Buildingemuenchiladaenclaveendiveenemaenvelopeepauletseraserestuaryetchingewereyeglasseserasers

What household objects start with the letter e?

Eggs and exfish.

Does named have a long or short e?

Neither. The E is silent, as in name. There is just a short "duh" sound at the end.

Is name a short vowel word?

No. The A has a long A sound, as in game. The E is silent.

Is kesha's name pronouced with a long e or a short e?

It is a short E sound, as in mesh or thresh.