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The main artery in your neck is called the Carotid Artery. It is the largest artery in the neck region.

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13y ago

The paired carotid arteries on either side of the neck.

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13y ago

either the carotid or the jugular. both go to neck

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The internal carotid artery.

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Coraded artery

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Should you feel the same amount of pulse on both sides

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Q: Name of large artery in neck?
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What is the large vessel in the neck?

Carotid artery

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Are you looking for the carotid artery in the neck?

What is the name of the artery on your neck that you can use to detect your pulse?

They are the two jugular veins.

What is the name of the artery in the neck you feel to see if the patient has a pulse?

The radial artery, carotid artery, and the brachial artery can be used to feel your pulse; but only if you feel them with your tongue. The easiest to do the radial artery, located in your elbow.

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Caratoid artery (neck). Brachial artery (inner bicep). Radial artery (wrist). Femoral artery (inside of thigh). Pedial artery (foot)

Artery in neck called a burrey?

The Carotid artery is conected to the brain.

What artery is on each side of the neck?

jugular vein

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Radial artery

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Name the arteries present in a frog?

carotid arch, systemic arch ,pulmocutaneous arch, cutaneous artery ,coeliaco mesentric artery, renal artery ,posterior mesentric artery, illiac artery.

What is the name of the artery that serves the face or neck?

Jugular Vein.The above is nearly correct but actually reversed in actual function. The aorta is the artery that supplies the entire body with blood, except for the lungs which are supplied by the pulmonary artery. The jugular vein returns blood from the face and neck areas.

What is the name of the large artery represening one of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery which running along the lateral portion of the forearm?

Radial artery