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If you are being inseminated by someones sperm that you know it can be good for instance if you don't seem to be getting pregnant thru intercourse and you use this way it is fine. The con is if you do not know the donor then the child wont have a biological father that they know, however, if there is a man in your life who is willing to be the father it can be an ok way to conceive if he can not inseminate you himself

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15y ago


- make use of semen from deceased sires or sires that live a much longer distance away from the farm

- semen can be used on tens of thousands of females a year instead of the actual bull being only able to cover ~30 females in a breeding season.

- less cost compared to keeping one or more herd bulls in terms of feeding, housing and labour expenses

- job is less dangerous because there is not a potentially dangerous bull to handle after every breeding season

- can use more than one breeding sire on your herd (for instance, you can use one sire per female)

- you are to make use of superior genetics that cannot be found at a local bull sale


- there is only a 60 to 70% conception rate for AI than with using a fertile herd bull

- still have to use a bull as "clean-up" to cover the females that were missed or didn't catch

- if you don't want to use a clean-up male you may have to breed those that didn't catch a second or third time before they concieve.

- have to have adequate knowledge of heat periods of female stock and know what to look for to see if any stock are in heat and then judge the time to AI them (for cows, when a female is observed to have heat behaviour, the rule of thumb is to AI 12 hours later)

- cost for keeping semen straws frozen in a container of nitrous oxide (dry ice), having storage to keep AI equipment, handling facilities for breeding, etc.

- may be added stress involved when females have to be restrained

- AI isn't a job that can be learned by trail and error, it has to be taught first by a trained professional (an AI technician) before it can be carried out in the field.

- you can't be afraid to get dirty because it involves sticking your whole arm up a cow's anus

- semen has to be stored properly otherwise it will become no longer viable; improper handling will also render it inviable.

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14y ago

It allows women who could not other wise get pregnant have children of their own.

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13y ago

"There are down sides to artificial insemination.

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adding third party

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