According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern I--EI. That is, five letter words with 1st letter I and 4th letter E and 5th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
4-letter words ibex, ilex 5-letter words immix, index, infix 6-letter words icebox, influx 8-letter words intermix, interrex, intersex 10-letter words inheritrix
5 Letter Words beginning with C, ending with H: * catch * crash * clash * crush * coach * cinch
7 letter words ending in p: * scallop * harelip * airdrop * trollop * bellhop * gumdrop
Five letter words ending in U are bayou and snafu.
Some five letter words ending in "l" include:availlevelwheeltrialtrillbevelbroilspellspoilspillkrillpupil
Some 5-letter words ending with H, in alphabetical order:AbashAgushAmishAnighAwashBatchBeechBekahBelchBenchBerthBirchBirthBlushBoothBotchBoughBrothBrushBunchCatchClothCoachCoughCrashCrushCzechDeathDepthDitchDoughDutchEarthEphahEpochFaithFetchFifthFilchFinchFlashFleshFlushForthFreshFrothGirthGlyphGulchHarshHatchHeathHitchHoochHunchHutchIrishKutchLatchLaughLeachLeashLeighLoathLunchLurchLymphLynchMarchMarshMatchMirthMonthMoochMorphMouthMulchMunchMyrrhNatchNeighNinthNorthNotchNymphParchPatchPeachPerchPilchPinchPitchPlushPoachPoochPorchPouchPunchQuashQuechQueghQuishRajahRanchRatchReachReichRetchRewthRoachRoughSelahShashSushSinchSixthSlashSloshSlothSlushSmashSmithSoothSoughSouthStitchSwashSwishSwoshSylphTeachTeethTenthThighToothTorahTorchTouchToughTrashTruthUbykhVetchVouchWatchWaughWeighWelchWelshWenchWhichWidthWitchWorthWrathWrothYalahYouthZilch
5 letter words beginning with g ending with L:grillgrowl
Most of the 5-letter words ending in ETS are four letter words ending in ET. If you think of any 4-letter word matching this pattern you'll soon discover plenty of 5-letter words: BEETS DIETS DUETS FRETS And more!
Five letter words ending with B are:carobclimbcrumbkabobplumbrehabsahibscrubshrubSquabsquibthrobthumb
3 letter words ending in TAD TAD 5 letter words ending in TAD OCTAD 6 letter words ending in TAD BESTAD FANTAD HEPTAD PENTAD
There are no 5-letter words ending in J. There are 6 letter ones:SvarajSwarajAnd four letter ones:HadjHajj
There are no 6-letter words, the longest are these 5-letter ones:RepegUnpeg