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Yes, the word 'many' is a noun, a word for the majority of people; the common people; the masses.

The word 'many' is also an adjective and an indefinite pronoun.

The adjective 'many' is a word placed before a noun to describe that noun as a large, unspecified number.

The indefinite pronoun 'many' takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed large number.


Our laws are supposed to meet the needs of the many. (noun)

Many students have already turned in their essays. (adjective)

The chef's special is very popular, many have ordered it. (pronoun)

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10y ago
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9y ago

It can be either depending on the sentence.

The adjective forms are many, more, most. The adjective is placed before a noun to describe that noun.

The pronoun 'many' is an indefinite plural form that takes the place of an unknown number; many can be subjective or objective.


Adjective: There were already many cars in the lot when we arrived.

Pronoun: Everyone has left the building but many are still waiting for their ride.

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13y ago

Some dictionaries designate 'many' as a noun for the 'majority of mankind'and 'the common people' or an indefinite pronoun for 'a large number of people or things'. It is also designated an adjective, for example many miles.

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9y ago

Yes, it can be an an adjective (many things) or a pronoun (one of many).

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13y ago

Yes. Numbers, or words that indicate an amount such as few, several or many....all can be used to modify nouns, and are therefore adjectives.

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Q: Is the word many is a noun?
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