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Can you play halo reach firefight matchmaking without any friends just matchmaking alone?

yes you can, Firefight will however be different in matchmaking then in a custom game. The match will usually be on Heroic difficulty and will only be 1 round. but yes you can play with random people in firefight matchmaking.

How can you start to play online in matchmaking for halo reach?

Buy the game

Will halo 4 have playable elites in matchmaking and custom game?

No they won't.

What equipment is required to play halo reach on xbox?

All you need is the game, x box and controller, but if you want to play matchmaking you need to buy a live card. I highly recommend you get one.

How do you get exp on halo 3 without coming third or above?

by playing the game and winning matchmaking

How is the Online dating matchmaking process safe?

Matchmaking is generally safer as candidates are vetted by the matchmaking team.

Does halo reach have custom games?

yes halo reach will have custom games. it will also have an amazing campaign, all kinds of game modes for matchmaking and custom games, and the thing i am most excited about it will have firefight with matchmaking!

Can you get skulls on Halo 3 on multipalyer?

You can if you are playing offline or a custom game, but skulls are removed from the maps in matchmaking

How do you play halo reach live?

You get xbox live gold and then look for matchmaking in the main menu of the game.

What do you do in halo reach matchmaking when it kicks everyone out except for you?

just reset da game and wait for the old players

Is there a halo game that you can play with people from around the world?

Yes. Halo 3 and Halo: Reach both have Matchmaking.

What the best on line matchmaking game to play on halo reach?

the best in my opinion is Living Dead it is so fun