hell no he passed away in 1978 from bone cancer. he was engaged to meryl streep and was 43 when he died
Michael Winslow is still alive. He acts and is a comedian still.
Yes there are in fact there are Nazis that are still alive
Richard Long, born on 2 Jun 1945, is still alive.
He's Still Alive MateHe's still alive.
Yes, still alive.
John Cazale's birth name is John Holland Cazale.
John Cazale was born on August 12, 1935.
John Cazale is 5' 10 1/2".
John Cazale died on March 12, 1978 at the age of 42.
John Cazale died on March 12, 1978 at the age of 42.
John Cazale was an American actor who passed away in 1978 at the age of 43. He was 5'11" tall and best known for his role in 'The Godfather" films.
John Marsden is alive.
Yes, I am. (only joking, I'm not John Surtees but he is still alive)
they sure are
he is still alive
Meryl Streep dated John Cazale before he died in 1978.