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No, it is a noun. A fireman (firefighter) is a person.

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9y ago
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9y ago

No, it is not. Fireworks is a plural noun (the singular is practically never used). It can be a noun adjunct as in the term fireworks display.

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13y ago

"Fireworks" is a noun.

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Some of the companies that sell fireworks in Florida include Phantom Fireworks, Galaxy Fireworks, Sky King Fireworks, TNT Fireworks and Four Seasons Fireworks.

How do you spell galore?

That is the correct spelling of the irregular adjective galore, meaning in abundance (unlike most adjectives, it follows the noun it modifies, e.g. at the fair, there were fireworks galore).

What do Americans call fireworks?

Americans commonly refer to fireworks simply as "fireworks."

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Fireworks are not gases.

How do you say fireworks in spanish?

Fireworks in Spanish is "fuegos artificiales."

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Yes,Russia does fireworks.

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Smoke comes out of fireworks from the burned powders or chemicals within the fireworks.

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Where can a person go online to find pictures of fireworks?

One could look up some companies that sell fireworks, because they have lots of pictures that promote their products. Some websites are Fireworks, Big Fireworks, Black Cat Fireworks, Fireworks Arcade, TNT Fireworks and US Fireworks. Besides that, one could look up pictures of fireworks at different websites featuring stock footage. Some examples of these who have beautiful pictures of fireworks right now are: Foto Search, Go Graph, Shutter Stock and iStock Photo and Stock Footage For Free.