No. An earthquake happens when the earth's tectonic plates rub against each other.
Yes. Atmospheric pressure is the pressure caused by air when it exerts pressure on the surface of earth.
The Haitian earthquake was caused by the faultline the country sits on.
A tidal wave is caused by an earthquake.
seismic waves Seismic waves are energy that travel through the earth's layers, and are caused by the release of energy from the earthquake. This release of energy causes the crust to move, rip, and tear causing a lot of damage if close to the surface.
Earths Major Earthquakes are caused by faulting of rock in earth's crust.Hope this helps
The earthquake caused the tsunami in Japan. And plate tectonics - which have been going on under the earths surface since the earth formed - caused the earthquake.
The earthquake and tsunami were caused by a shift in the earths crust.
An earthquake.
cracks in the ground caused by earthquakesFaults. Cracks in the earths crust usually caused by earthquakes are called faults.No, their not! Faults are to do with tectonic plates, earthquake cracks are called earthquake cracks.
This is known as an earthquake.
Are they not called fissures RESPONSE TO: Are they not called fissures They are so not called fissures. Fissures are way different from what the question is. Now think, what type of movement do you feel when an earthquake happens. Of course, SHAKING.
Are they not called fissures RESPONSE TO: Are they not called fissures They are so not called fissures. Fissures are way different from what the question is. Now think, what type of movement do you feel when an earthquake happens. Of course, SHAKING.