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Input. You draw on it, the movements are converted into digital data which goes INTO the computer. The answers are normally the logical ones.

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Q: Is a graphic tablet a input or output device?
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Is a graphic tablet an input device or a output device?

hey guys, if you are wondering if a graphis tablet is an input or output device.....i had to do a report on one and it turns out to be an input device.

Is a graphic tablet output or input?

Input device.

Is a graphic tablet a input?

Input device.

Is graphic tablet output r input?


Is a graphics tablet an input or output?

A graphics tablet is used to to accept user input to the computer so is classed as input device ...

Which device can be consider as a input and out put device?

In relation to computers, there are many devices that can be considered input/output devices: Input: Mouse Keyboard Graphics Tablet Microphone Scanner Output: Monitor Speaker Printer Also, a touchscreen monitor can be considered both an input and output device.

Is a tablet an input or an output device?

I believe you are referring to the screen only. A touch screen works as a input and output device

Is a graphic input or output?


Is an OMR an input or output?

is an omr and input or output device?

Is interactive whiteboard an input or output device?

both input r output

Is a monitor an output device or a input device?

Normally it is an output device. However a touchscreen monitor is both an input and output device.

Is a stylus an input or an output device?

Technically speaking, it isn't any more of either than your finger is an input device, or your lips an output device. The screen that the stylus is used on is both an input or an output device, sensing pressure from the stylus and displaying images as a result.