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No, an anxiety attack will never kill or harm you in anyway, unless you have a pre-existing condition.

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Q: Is a 94bpm resting heart rate dangerous if you have anxiety?
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What is a dangerous heart rate for a resting 3 year?

If the child has a high heart rate then check for white parkinsons wolf syndrome

I hava a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute.Is this Dangerous.?

It can be extremely dangerous to have a 28 beat per minute resting heart rate. This is considered well below the normal heart rate for even a very active human. It is probably best to see a doctor to check your heart's condition.

What is the dangerous heart rate for an eleven to twelve year old?

60-100 beats per minute is a normal resting heart rate for most individuals.

Is 38 bpm dangerous?

Lance Armstrong has a resting heart rate of 30 - 35.

What happens to your heart when you are resting?

when your resting your heart beats slowly because your relaxing

What is a good resting heart rate?

A good resting heart rate is when your heart beats good and when your heart is in a good position.

Is having a resting heart rate of 40-48 bpm typically dangerous.I am definitely not an athlete but in decent to normal shape and a 25 year old male. I have never blacked out.?

No, having a slow resting heart rate is generally not considered dangerous if you feel healthy.Low resting heart rates are usually because your heart can pump blood efficiently around your body, or you have an effective metabolism - typical features of a healthy heart and body.

116 Heart BPM at rest is this dangerous?

No, it is not dangerous. A normal heart rate falls between 60-100 bpm for a normal person. Chances are you were experiencing anxiety at only 112 bpm. If you reduce your stress and anxiety and your heart rate remains over 100 bpm, that is considered abnormal, but in of itself not dangerous. A medical work up would be advised to rule out an arrhythmia. Your heart can beat 200 bpm for 24 hours before it will harm your heart.

If you have a bad heart is a pulse reading of 91 dangerousat rest?

Generally speaking, a resting heart rate of 91 bpm is not dangerous but not a particularly healthy rate (this is dependant on age and general fitness levels). With a "bad heart" the aim should be to reduce the resting heart rate as much as possible with anything above 100 bpm being considered "of concern". Count Kryzal

What is a good heart rate for women?

actually heart rate is same for men or women..ideally..... there is no sex differentiation.... so as an average...70- 90 heart rate is optimum...but not beyond resting condition..... it may higher after exercise...or heavy work,stress or anxiety.....

What if your resting heart beat is 112?

A resting heart rate of 112 beats per minute is higher than the average range of 60-100 beats per minute for adults. This condition is known as tachycardia, which may be caused by factors such as stress, anxiety, dehydration, or certain medical conditions. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment, as sustained high heart rates can lead to complications over time.

The resting heart rate is fastest in adult life?

is the resting heart rate is fastest in adult life