Venus is the next planet toward the Sun. Mars is the next planet away from the Sun.
If the planet was exactly in between Mars and Jupiter, it would take 3645.029 days.
Earth is closer to the sun than Mars.
Mars is the second smallest after Mercury.
It is not. Mars is a planet, a mass of rock and minerals. So far, we have detected no certain evidence that there are any living things on Mars, although our half-dozen or so landers could easily have missed some unusual or strange form of life. And it's possible that there once WAS life on Mars, but that it has died off long since.
Mars. The high iron oxide content in the soil gives Mars its reddish color.
Mars is the planet known for having iron in its soil, which gives it a reddish appearance. The iron oxide, or rust, present on Mars creates the planet's distinct red coloration.
Mars is the red planet, because it looks red on close approaches. The next close approach will be in the spring of 2014, you can have a look at it then.
The "Red Planet" is Mars.
Mars is not a wierd planet only its source.
Mars is known as the red planet. This is because the iron in the soil gives it a red color. Mars is thought to have once had lakes and oceans.
mars because mars is red
Mars is the planet that is often referred to as the "red planet" due to its reddish soil and pink atmosphere, caused by iron oxide (rust) present on its surface.