Yes, do a search for Singer Sewing Machine Manuals. There is probably a fee to receive a copy.
My Singer 477 Instruction Manual has a date of 1968 on it...that may help.
check at Some of their manuals can be downloaded for free but some they charge for.
Check at They have free downloads of most of their models.
What is the value of my Singer miniature see machine serial # 29962 ?
Singer Sewing Company
My Singer 477 Instruction Manual has a date of 1968 on it...that may help.
check at Some of their manuals can be downloaded for free but some they charge for.
Serial number A59492
what is value of singer sewing machine model15ch
What is the vaule for a singer model 27 sewing machine in fair condition.
Check at They have free downloads of most of their models.
The Singer 2517 Sewing Machine is quiet.
where can we buy spare parts of singer sewing machine in the manila,philippines?
If you Google singer sewing machine in Google Images (see link below), you'll get these images!
What is the value of my Singer miniature see machine serial # 29962 ?
Singer Sewing Company