Well when i was convincing my parents to let me get my piercings i did A LOT of research to show that i knew what i was getting into (i even made a list of site links) also say that IF you don't like it or if something comes up in your life you can always take them out. Be sure not to bug them too much, just let them think because if you bug the crap out of them they'll just automatically just say no. Take some extra responsibility so they know that you can take care of it if the don't already think that you can. (P.S hope you get them and like them ;D)
Tell them it's safe to drive, the tracks are quite secure, and the karta WON'T fall apart, and if you have no experience in Go-Karts, tell them you'll drive carefuly!
You just beg them
Your parents could feel that your too young or you need to wait also they don't want you to grow up I had to wait till I was 11 to get mine
It couldn't hurt to go online and learn all you can about proper piercing techniques and aftercare... That would be smart for you to do in the mean time anyway. In order to try to successfully convince them to change their minds, you need to know why they are objecting in the first place. For example, I don't know if their logic is "We said you could have one piercing, and you used it on a belly button piercing" or "belly buttons are hidden whereas industrials are not, and we don't want her to have trouble at job interviews and so forth" or what. If you know the REASON for their objection, then you can formulate your rebuttal such that it addresses their specific concerns. "You let me have my belly pierced, so why not an industrial too!?" is not a good argument, that's for sure. It might also help to include them in the process. Even if you know they would say no, at least OFFER to let them come with you when you do it and meet the piercer, etc. In fact, if you have a good piercer, it would probably only be a good thing if your parents met him/her and saw how clean and sterile and professional everything was at his/her studio. (This is, of course, assuming you'd find a good piercer with a good studio!)
you should let them dry for 2 to 3 hours before you wear them
If you can't convince your parents to let you play that, then find something else to do.
you should just tell them what is happening at school
I really don't think you should let them. They are her parents let them do their job. Maybe you should start with a playdate. Let them grow to it. To them that's their little girl.
Honestly, you can't convince them. Either they will let you or they won't.
if your parents wont let you get sponsored, well, id yell at em.
you say parents are going with
say please
you ask them
make a deal with them and stick to it :)
tell them you want rats
be a good kid
come out of the closet