UK singer David Gray is 49 years old (birthdate June 13, 1968).
Snooker player David Gray is 38 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1979).
Scottish footballer David P. Gray is 29 years old (birthdate May 4, 1988).
He is 35 years old. He was born April 14, 1973.
He has painted as long as he can remember.
David is a character of the Old Testament who defeated a much bigger enemy. Florence liked to equate themselves with him.
He sculpted David between the ages of 26-29 (1501-1504). He sculpted the Pieta even younger, he was 24 (1499).
In the book "I am David" David is a thin 12 year old boy.
David is 18 years old
David Metzenthen is 52 years old
David Archulera is 17 years old
David Koma is 24 years old.
David Henry is 21 years old
King David is in the old testament.
As of June 2014, David Myrie is 26 years old.
Jesse was 30 years old when David was born.
David Vanian is 55 years old (birthdate: October 12, 1956).
David Mundy is 31 years old (birthdate: July 20, 1985).
David Henrie is 19 years old and plays a 16 old boy in Wizards of Waverly Place.