Rembrandt paints himself as one of the characters in the portrait, signifying that he himself was complicit in the execution of christ. as one involved in raising the cross, rembrandt acknowledged his complicity, as a sinner, in the death of christ. he even painted himself in the picture in his then current clothing. powerful presentation of spiritual reality: "all we like like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way. but the lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all." isaiah 53 truly, it is the sin of god's people that required the death of the son of god. amen.
Answer 2
In case the question is about the monetary value, it can not be assessed until the painting is up for sale, which it will never be.
There is no way of assessing the value of a work of until it is up for sale, and this painting may never be. It may interest you, though, that just a couple of days ago (December 2009) one of his paintings were sold for $33.2 million. It is called Portrait of a man, half-length, with his arms akimbo painted in 1658.
A Bettie Felder painting sells for around 50 dollars on sites like If your painting is a lithograph or signed by the artist it will be worth more. Appraisers can be hired to look at your painting to determine if it is an original or a reproduction, both of which will determine price.
Reproductions of the painting High Glory by Wijmer are quite common. On average they sell for between $20 to $40 depending on the conditions of painting itself and the condition of the frame.
When the painting was cleaned it was much lighter than in it's original state, no longer fitting the title 'Night Watch' which, by the way, was not titled by Rembrandt.
how much is it worth
Rembrandt lived 1606-1669, so it is highly unlikely that he should have painted much in 1814.
A Bettie Felder painting sells for around 50 dollars on sites like If your painting is a lithograph or signed by the artist it will be worth more. Appraisers can be hired to look at your painting to determine if it is an original or a reproduction, both of which will determine price.
How much is a Wilmer Snow Capped Peaks reproduction worth?
Reproductions of the painting High Glory by Wijmer are quite common. On average they sell for between $20 to $40 depending on the conditions of painting itself and the condition of the frame.
Not much I just bought one on eBay for 99p
When the painting was cleaned it was much lighter than in it's original state, no longer fitting the title 'Night Watch' which, by the way, was not titled by Rembrandt.
This painting is worth $15-$30.
One just sold on Ebay for $86.00 which is a dollar more than I bid on it LOL
The value of a Robad oil painting will depend on which painting it is. I recommend taking the painting to a local art dealer so they can inspect the painting and see how much it is worth.
how much is it worth
In 1977 my painting was valued at $800.00