Traveling from Wichita KS to Houston TX would take 8 hours and 46 minutes. If you flew from Wichita KS to Houston TX would take only 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Junie Browning is from Lexington, KY.
There are many ways you can find affordable housing in KY. One of the thins you can try is renting a room as opposed to renting an apartment. It will save you a lot of money.
* Fairfield, AL * Foley, AL * Franklin, AL * Fairbanks, AK * False Pass, AK * Fort Yukon, AK * Flagstaff, AZ * Florence, AZ * Fredonia, AZ * Fayetteville, AR * Friendship, AR * Flippin, AR * Fresno, CA * Fontana, CA * Farmersville, CA * Fruitvale, CO * Foxton, CO * Farista, COFairbanks, AlaskaFargo, NCFlemington, NJFrankfort, KYFranklin, WIFresno, CA
The Mayfield, KY Wal-Mart opened in 1981. The Mayfield, KY Wal-Mart opened in 1981.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 11 hours and 38 minutes.
That would be Wright City, MO which is Exit 200 on I-70 Eastbound, just west of St Louis MO, 391 miles.
The driving distance between Louisville, KY and Wichita, KS is approximately 715 miles. The driving time would be approximately 11 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
Half way between Winchester, KY and Colorado Springs, CO is approximately at Oakley, KS, by road miles.
KS Stands for Kansas. KY Stands for Kentucky.
916 miles
KS Stands for Kansas. KY Stands for Kentucky.
you will pass WV,VA,OH,KY,IN, IL,MO,AND KS.
10 hours
There are two US states that begin with the letter K. They are:Kansas (KS)Kentucky (KY)
255.2 Miles or 4 hours 31 minutes
Missouri- (NE, IA, IL, KY, TN, AR, OK, KS) Tennessee- (KY, VA, NC, GA, AL, MS, AR, MO)