i had a quote for £300 with 12 month warrenty when i first baught my tf cos i knew it was innevitable it would go.the guy at the garage says he can do them in his sleep cos he has done so many in the past so i wouldn't pay no more than that
$45.54 for 90 tabs.
Too much niacin can increase your heart rate. The recommended daily dose for a normal adult is between 13 mg and 17 mg.
KEPPRA (levetiracetam) is an antiepileptic drug available as 250 mg (blue), 500 mg (yellow), 750 mg (orange), and 1000 mg (white) tablets and as a clear, colorless, grape-flavored liquid (100 mg/mL) for oral administration.
Nothing, all the alkaline earth metals are in group 2.
Give your cat 5 - 10 mg/lb once daily for 5 - 7 days then continue for 48 hrs after symptoms have subsided.
Well when My Dodge blew a head gasket there was LOTS of stream from the tail pipe. (looked like an old steam locomotive) If you suspect you have a blown head gasket take it to a professional (like the DEALER) and have them look it over. Hope This Helps.
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"Manifold gasket" ? whick one? Upper intake MG,Lower intake MG or exhaust MG? I thinks you mean intake MG. The Upper intake MG is easy on. Just undo the bolt and clear the gasket materal, then replace new upper intake MG. The lower intake MG is a little bit hard. Carefully clear the old gasket material on the manifold and head, clear the bolt nad bolt hole in the head, then carfully install the lower intake MGand double check the coolant passage in ordeer to void the coolant leading. The last step is to torque corectly the bolt. good luck.
At my local pharmacy for #100 0.5 mg cost $27.00.
Hi No you don't. If the head gasket is blown, then what is needed is a new head gasket. That is the relatively inexpensive part. To renew the headgasket requires that the cylinder head be removed, new head gasket fitted, cylinder head re-fitted. And while the cylinder head is removed, the safety-first practice is to have it checked for any distortions caused by the overheating that often occurs with headgasket failure. It then needs to be 'skimmed', that is, a tiny amount of metal is shaved from the face of the cylinder head so that it will sit truly level on the new headgasket. You will also have to check for the underlying cause of the head gasket failure. With some cars, for example MG/Rovers with K-Series engines there is a design shortcoming that has often caused premature head gasket failure failure. With others, there is no specific weak point, just that after a high mileage, the head gasket tends to be what goes first. Also, for example, the overheating that led to the head gasket failure may have been caused by failure/leakage elsewhere in the cooling system. Head gasket failure is not an engine killer. It is however one of the more expensive jobs to fix on a car. Which is why many people choose to use an alternative such as this.. Not a 100% miracle cure, as sometimes the hole or crack in the head gasket is just too big to deal with by anything other than fitting a new one. Useful alternative, though, if you're really struggling for money.
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they wanted $27.63/1o mg tablet
Type your answer here... 5.00
It's 5 mg of oxy so the cost isn't much, I get it for one or two dollars a pill