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Q: How much are paintings by Claude Marell?
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Bryan Marell is 6' 2".

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What landscape paintings did Claude Monet produce?

Paintings in the style of Impressionism.

What do Claude Monet's pictures look like?

Claude Monets paintings show a lot of strong feelings and emotion. His paintings also have a lot of impressionilism.

What does Claude Monet's paintings tell you about him?

That he likes nature?

What was Claude Monet's main influences in his paintings?

The light.

When did Claude Monet use texture in his paintings?


Did Claude Monet use shapes in his paintings?


Did Claude Monet throw his paintings in the river?

yes, he did throw his paintings in the river. he was a mean person.WHAT A POLUTER.

Are Claude Monet paintings valuable?

yes they are very valuble

The paintings of Claude Monet are examples of which school of art?
