Depends on what you consider as a Walmart....
629 Walmart Discount Stores
3,029 Walmart Supercenters
168 Neighborhood Markets
2 Walmart Express Stores
3,828 Walmarts.
How many walmarts in canadaAnswer this question…
Dallas had more WalMarts than most US cities. There are 12 WalMart stores within the city limits of Dallas but there are more close by, with more than 20 total within city limits and in a 20 mile radius of the city.
Supercenters:74Discount Stores:10Neighborhood Markets:7Sam's Clubs:8Distribution Centers:2 sooooo........ 261 if i can add
How many walmarts in canadaAnswer this question…
about 119 Walmarts in Africa
I believe there are eleven walmarts in Texas including super walmarts
no, walmart is not only in the US
No, there are not any Walmarts open in Houston or anywhere in the US on Christmas.
ny fl
yea most likely