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A lot since she caught herpes. Before the virus she had someone else write for her.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

probily about 10 or 11....... ill look it up and se sometimes but that is just my educated guess

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Who sings silly boy?

well it's spose to be lady gaga and rihanna but people say they both deny singing the song.

Who else recorded the song American Made?

The Oak Ridge Boys, 1983

Who recorded a song called the sharp scarf i think it may have been 1945?

Perhaps not the first or best known version, but a tune called "Sharp Scarf" was recorded by Billy Butterfield in February, 1946.

What country did the song roll out the barrel come from?

This is also known as The Beer Barrel Polka, and was first written by the Czech composer Jaromir Vejvoda in 1927. The first arrangement was produced by Eduard Ingris in 1934. The song was first recorded with English lyrics in the June of 1939, not long before WW2 broke out- it was sung by Will Glahe, and soon became a no.1 hit across England, Australia and Canada. During the War, it was a hugely popular song among the troops of all nations, and versions of it were sung by forces sweethearts such as Vera Lynn, The Andrews Sisters and Ann Shelton, as well as by Big Band leaders such as Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman. Each nation involved in the war claimed it as their own song!! In the post-war years, it was recorded by the likes of Billie Holiday, Brave Combo and Liberace. It tends to be regarded as a traditional English working-class pub / music hall song, and many people believe it to be of Edwardian origin (much earlier than it actually is). But it's origins are from Czechoslovakia in the late '20s.

What movie had the hello song by Cal Devoll?

Crazy People, 1990

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