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There were a number of earthquakes in Japan in 2012 ranging in magnitudes up to 7.3, but no deaths were reported. World-wide a total of 768 deaths from earthquakes in 2012 were recorded by the USGS Earthquake National Center and none of those from Japan.

The last major earthquake from Japan was the magnitude 9.0 quake on March 11, 2011 that killed over 15,000 people in junction with the tsunami that it triggered.

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I have not heard any reports of deaths due to earthquakes during the first two days of 2012 in Japan.

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Q: How many people died in japan earthquake in 2012?
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In Japan a lot of people died because there was an earthquake the right after that there was a tsunami

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if tens of thousands of people died,then yes,animal died. --___--

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An estimated 6,000 people were injured in the earthquake not including those that died.The National Police Agency of Japan reported that as of September 11, 2011 a total of 15,839 have died, 5,950 were injured, and 3,642 are still missing.

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In Japan a lot of people died because there was an earthquake the right after that there was a tsunami

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It is not yet known how many teenagers have died, but over 12,600 people have died.

How many people died in Japan Tusnami march 2011?

10,000 people have died, in Japan's latest Tsunami/Earthquake. The Earthquake was about 7.9 magnitude, and Tsunami was 8.9 magnitude, plz don't 4get them in ur prayers, ill/injured ones, and the one who died, )= take this as a request. tx )=

What disaster and how did it occur in Japan?

In Japan on March 11th, 2011 a 8.9 earthquake struck. Many people died. The earthquake led to a massive tsunami that covered part of Japan. Not a lot of people evacuated and many died from that too. After that, 2 nuclear power plants blew up.

What is the affect of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan?

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