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2.7 million currently are affected.

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5,525,125 million people

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Q: How many people are affected by heart disease in Canada?
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How is congestive heart disease affected by antiarrhythmatic drugs?

Antiarrhythmic drugs may cause low blood sugar, which can be a particular problem for people with congestive heart disease.

How many people have heart disease in the US?

About 13% of people get Heart disease.

Which heart valve is most commonly affected in rheumatic heart disease?

Mitral valve

How does heart disease affected the organ system?

can u answer me please

What individuals are most vulnerable to CO poisoning?

Infants, people with heart or lung disease, or those with anemia may be more seriously affected.

How many people died of heart disease in 2004?

652,486 people died of heart disease in the United States.

What is the leading cause of morbidity in Canada?

The leading cause of death in Canada in heart disease. The second biggest cause of death in Canada is a stroke.

Where the from the illness Increased Heart Disease?

Yes, heart disease has increased over the last twenty years. Most contribute the rise in heart disease to the way people eat today and the lack of exercise people do.

What sorts of biological predispositions makes people prone to coming down with heart disease?

Genetics are a cause of heart disease; parents with a higher risk of heart disease will give birth to offspring of heart disease. The trait of heart disease is then passed down from generation to generation.

What questions should you ask about the heart history? should ask questions such as : when was the heart discovered ? ,who discovered the heart ?, when did people hear about disease's, who was the person to find out about heart disease's had the first heart disease ?,who had the first heart attack ?

How to help heart disease for young people?

You should maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to help heart disease in young people. A diet low in fat and sodium and high in fiber can help heart disease.

How is multivalvular heart disease treated?

If multivalvular disease is suspected or involved, different valves may be evaluated during surgery on one of the affected valves.