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Q: How does migration affect people?
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How you can calculate the migration of thr rotary kiln tire?

how we can calculate the migration of the rotary kiln tyre

How do Earthquakes affect people's lives and how can you prepare for them?

it affect peoples lives by killing people and destroying their houses and valuables. you can prepare for it by moving before it happens

How do earthquake affect human habitations?

killing all the people

How does earthquakes affect people in Tauton?

leavong them with out a place to live.

why do modern scholars oppose beyer's waves of migration theory?


Related questions

How did climate change affect people's migration?

It led to migration

How can migration affect the density of an area?

Migration can either increase or decrease the density of an area. If more people move into an area, the density will increase. Conversely, if people leave an area, the density will decrease. Migration patterns can also affect the composition and distribution of the population within an area.

How did migration affect Germany?

Animals migrate people don't. If you are asking about people we need who, how, when, where questions to answer.

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You mean places not planets

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678-467-4874 Call me I have a big mouth!

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There will be more people in China, which results to more problems for the Chinese.

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The Erie Canal increased migration to the Midwest.

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How did the people in The Great Migration live?

Migration has brought a lot of people and ideas for example.migrationgreat migration

How might migration affect population density?

Migration can affect population distribution by causing the population of one area to increase while simultaneously decreasing the population of another. This can also cause one area to be more densely populated than another.

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how does the discovery of the skullcap affect the believabilty of Beyer's wave of migration theory