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A baby scan or ultrasound machine is a device that checks your unborn baby's condition. It shows a gray visual where you can see your baby's body and movement. Your OB can explain how your baby is going to look like on the scan itself.

When you get to the baby scan center, they are going to put ultrasound gel on your belly and later there's the ultrasound probe that they will pass over your skin. The baby will then be visible on the monitor because of the baby scan.

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Waaay too soon!

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when you go for your 12 week scan you will definitely be able to see a (very tiny) roughly baby shaped baby on the scan congratulations!

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If there is no heartbeat at 12 week scan and you are sure the dates are right, unfortunetly, the baby is not viable.

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Food Baby!

How does the parent know if the baby the're expecting is a boy or girl?

You will know when the doctor does an ultrasound scan, but sometimes the baby is not in a position so you can tell. The doctor will ask if you want to know. Note that while the scan is usually effective, it is not 100%. The only sure way is when the baby is born.